Academy CouNCIL & BKCAT Governance
Please click here to read a note from our Chair of Academy Council.
Our new Chair of our Academy Council, since March 2022, is Mr. Cedric Duval. Any correspondence should be sent via the school address below.
St Benedict's Catholic Primary School
C/O Mr. Cedric Duval
Chair of Academy Council
Station Fields
We are very lucky to have a strong and highly skilled Academy Council who very effectively hold leaders to account to ensure St Benedict's is the best that it can be. They ensure that leaders in the school ensure that St Benedict's has strong academic standards and ensuring that we have an exciting and effective broad balanced Catholic education.
Our governors are active in the life of the school. They undertake regular visits, monitor the impact of school developments and help drive the strategic direction of St Benedict's.
St Benedict's Academy Council
Mr Cedric Duval Foundation Governor / Chair of Academy Council
Mrs Rachel Owen Foundation Governor / Vice Chair of Academy Council
Mrs Karen Derbyshire Foundation Governor
Mrs Fran Stanton Foundation Governor
Mrs Kate Dilworth Foundation Governor
Mrs Catherine Collard Foundation Governor
Mrs Helen Prior Parent Governor
Vacancy (Election Autumn 2022) Parent Governor
Mrs Sue Coolican Staff Governor
Mr John Woolley Head Teacher
The BKCAT trust have increased capacity within all academy councils in line with the articles of association during Academic Year 2021/22. As a result our constitution increased in September 2021. This has increased the Academy Council by one foundation governor and one parent governor.
register of interests & attendance
bkcat governance
Governance-related documentation, Governor & Director recruitment details and Trust financial information can be found in the Governance section of the Trust website:
Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation & Code of Conduct