CONTACT US: Station Fields, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1PS

0113 2869819

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School

Encouraging Faithfulness, Courage and Respect

John 10:10 "I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.""All will be well and all manner of things will be well.""The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 "At the heart of our faith is one truth: God loves you." Pope Francis“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” Mohandas Gandhi


Why Choose St Benedict's?

Set in expansive, green grounds and within a stones-throw of Garforth Train Station, St Benedict's Catholic Primary School is a school which gives our pupils the very best possible start to their educational journey. We are a wholly inclusive school, welcoming pupils and families from all faith backgrounds and celebrate the unique individuality of each child in our community.


St Benedict's is a highly popular school with a fantastic reputation both in the local community and beyond due to the nurturing, positive and supportive culture which permeates from the core foundations of our Catholic virtues, including Faithfulness, Courage and Respect. We are highly ambitious for our pupils and ensure that they are fully prepared for the next phase of their educational journey and lives by the time they leave us at the end of Year 6.


St Benedict's is a popular school with a rich history having served our community for over 50 years on the current site. We would encourage prospective parents for Nursery or Reception to attend our annual Open Morning each November. If you wish to visit our school at other times in the year please call the school office on 01132869819. 


St Benedict's is a Catholic Voluntary Academy and the Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust is the Admission Authority. The Academy Council of St Benedict's undertakes the Admission duties in line with Trust Schemes of Delegation, Diocesan  guidance and in line with the admissions Code of Practice. 

Click on the links below for the appropriate admission details. 

Main School Admissions

Nursery Admissions


Please follow the link below to apply for your child's place in Reception for September 2025

Please note you can apply from 1 November 2024. The deadline to apply is 15 January 2025.

National offer day is 16 April 2025.

For further information on School Admissions including:

  • Applying for School Places
  • In-year Admisisons procedures or moving schools
  • Admissions Appeals Process

Please click here.

Leeds Admissions Poster for September

Additional Support for Admissions

 SB Primary Admissions Policy 2026-27 (final).pdfDownload
 SB Supplementary Information Form 2026-27 (final).pdfDownload
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